I am Rear Admiral Stephen Stott the Inspector General (IG) for STARFLEET. Welcome to our webpage. We hope this page will help you in meeting your inspector general needs. As Inspector General, I have two key responsibilities. First, is conducting investigations on behalf of the Commander, STARFLEET lodged by the membership of the fleet. Our goal is to always perform a fair and impartial investigation to get to the truth of the complaint or situation. Second, the Office of the Inspector General serves as Election Coordinator for the Commander, STARFLEET triennial election and the Region Coordinator elections that happen throughout STARFLEET.
The webpage is designed to provide quick access to reach out to the IG or to my Deputy IG and Assistant Inspectors General. You can also access the Inspector General Manual or check out my quarterly articles which provide information on recent RC elections or any pertinent information related to IG activities to include the Commander, STARFLEET election. We hope this page will serve as a useful resource to you. Again, thank you for visiting our webpage.
Live long and prosper,
RADM Stephen Stott
Inspector General, STAFLEET