Star Date 2403.04
Greetings from the Office of the Inspector General. We are working on getting our webpage up and running and will let you know once it is fully operational. Also, in the next month or so I will be putting out some YouTube videos on various topics related to the Inspector General such as the process for Regional Coordinator elections and submitting complaint request procedures. If you have any questions for the IG just send me an email to

Regarding Regional Coordinator elections, both Regions 2 and 3 had special elections. Commodore Lee Johnson became the RC for Region 2 and Major General Jeremy Carsten went back into his old job as RC for R3. Congrats to the winners. Regions 1 and 8 are currently in their RC election cycles. There is only one active investigation at this time and it is in the evidence gathering phase and should be completed within the next thirty days or so.

Live long and prosper,
RADM Stephen Stott
Inspector General, STARFLEET